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2023 Highlights: University of Hawaiʻi Hyperbaric Treatment Center (HTC) Advances and Contributions

In 2023, the University of Hawaiʻi Hyperbaric Treatment Center (HTC) celebrated a year marked by substantial achievements in patient care, education, and research. Demonstrating a steadfast commitment to excellence, the HTC achieved significant progress in enhancing hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) and advancing the field through notable endeavors across various key areas.

Safety & Infrastructure

To ensure access to essential equipment for critically ill patients, the HTC expanded its capabilities with the acquisition of three additional hyperbaric ventilators. These critical machines support patients’ breathing during HBOT treatments, highlighting the center’s dedication to upholding the highest standard of care.

Clinical Services

Throughout 2023, HTC maintained 24/7 availability of emergency services, attending to 15 patients in need of emergency HBOT. Additionally, the center administered 1,183 HBOT sessions for patients with tissue damage from radiation and other causes, demonstrating its pivotal role in healthcare delivery.


The HTC conducted comprehensive on-site training for three new Care Providers and one Chamber Operator, enhancing the skills of staff to deliver exceptional care. Simulated emergency drills further prepared the team to respond effectively to critical situations.

Education & Research

Continuing its commitment to education and research, the HTC offered on-site rotations and education for University of Hawaiʻi medical students and served as a training site for the Hennepin Healthcare Hyperbaric Fellowship program. This contributed to the training of future hyperbaric medicine professionals. Moreover, the HTC’s contributions to the field were highlighted through a case study presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society.

The achievements of the University of Hawaiʻi Hyperbaric Treatment Center in 2023 underscore its dedication to providing exceptional patient care, advancing the field of hyperbaric medicine, and making meaningful community contributions. These accomplishments reflect the center’s strong commitment to its mission, highlighting the essential role of donations in sustaining its efforts.


For those interested in supporting, contributions can be made to the Hyperbaric Treatment Center Support Fund #129-1980-4 at giving.uhfoundation.org.

(808) 469-4982

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